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Basque Shepherd's Pie

------------- Recipe Extracted from Meal-Master (tm) Database --------------

Title: Basque Shepherd's Pie
Categories: Eggs Breakfast Vegetables
Servings: 4

4 ea Slices Bacon 3 ea Med. Potatoes
2 t Sliced Green Onions/tops 1 T Snipped Parsley
3/4 t Salt 1/8 t Dried Thyme, Crushed
1 x Dash Pepper 4 ea Large Eggs

In 8-inch skillet coo bacon until crisp; drain, reserving 2 T of
drippings. Crumble bacon and set aside. In same skillet combine reserved
drippings, peeled, thinly sliced potatoes, onion, parsley, salt, thyme and
pepper. Cover tightly; cook over low heat til potatoes are barely tender,
20 to 25 minutes, stirring carefully once or twice. In small bowl beat
together eggs and milk; pour over potato mixture. Cover and continue
cooking over very low heat til egg is set in center, 8 to 10 minutes.
With a wide spatula, loosen sides and bottom and slide potatoes out onto
serving plate, or serve from skillet. Sprinkle crumbled bacon atop.
Serve hot.


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