Seasoning Mixture for Brazier-Grilled Lamb
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
Title: Seasoning Mixture for Brazier-Grilled Lamb
Categories: Chinese, Lamb, Ceideburg 2
Yield: 1 servings
1 Clove garlic, crushed
1 Scallion, minced
1 tb Soy sauce
1 tb Soy paste
1 tb Sweet soy jam
1/2 ts Chinese chili sauce
1/2 ts Sesame oil
Raw eggs, beaten and placed
-in individual bowls
This is a variant sauce with a slightly different cooking method.
These amounts are for individual serving bowls. Increase them to
suit the number of diners. In this case, each diner grills the meat
first then dips it in the raw egg to coat, then in the bowl of
seasonings. Also served with steamed buns. If soy paste and sweet
soy jam are unavailable, substitute peanut butter (or tahini, I would
imagine) and black currant jam.
From "The Thousand Recipe Chinese Cookbook" by Gloria Bley Miller,
Weathervane Books, '88.
Posted by Stephen Ceideburg; February 20 1991.