Sesame Noodles #3
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Categories: Chinese, Pasta
Yield: 8 servings
1/2 lb Chinese noodles; or
1/2 lb Linguine
2 ts Sesame oil
1/2 c Sesame paste
1/2 c Chicken broth
2 tb Sugar
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Freshly ground pepper
1 ts Freshly grated ginger
1/2 ts Freshly minced garlic
2 ts Rich wine vinegar
1/2 c Fresh bean sprouts
1/4 c Finely minced cucumber
1 tb Chopped chives
Cook noodles until al dente. Rinse in cold water,
drain well, and toss with sesame oil. In another bowl,
mix sesame paste, chicken broth, sugar, salt, pepper,
ginger, garlic, and vinegar using a wire whisk. Add
noodles (once cool) and bean sprouts to above mixture
and blend well. Taste. Adjust seasoning if desired.
Place noodles in glass bowl, cover with plastic wrap,
and refrigerate for two hours. Remove from
refrigerator, divide onto small plates, top with
cucumber and chives. Makes four small servings. Enjoy!
Let me know how you enjoyed it. FROM: ED BAMBERGER