Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 09:57:50 CDT
From: Veronica Shores <shores@unx.sas.com>
This is all approximate, I just throw in whatever I have to make the lasagne.
You can use other veges, add green peppers, onions, mushrooms, sprinkle
nutritional yeast on the layers, whatever you like.
1 pkg microwaveable lasagne noodles (I use Pasta Vigo's 1 step brand)
1 jar Ragu sauce
1-2 eggplant, sliced in thin circles
1-2 zuchinni, sliced in thin circles
1 container of fat free cottage cheese (I use Light & Lively's brand)
Layer the eggplant/zuchinni slices on a microwavable plate, cover with
plastic wrap and cook a few minutes in the microwave.
Pour a layer of sauce in a square, microwave baking dish.
Repeat until you run out of stuff:
Put a layer of noodles in then spread more sauce on top.
Add a layer of eggplant/zuchinni slices,
top with a layer of cottage cheese,
then top this with some sauce.
Your last layer should be noodles. Then top with more sauce and bake in
the microwave (according to package directions).
