Roast Beef Sandwich
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Title: Roast Beef Sandwich
Categories: Hot sands, Beef, Restaurants, Cold sands
Yield: 1 servings
-------------------MICKEY'S GOURMET CKBK-------------------
3 sl Rye bread, toasted
1/4 lb Roast beef, rare, thin slice
2 sl Muenster cheese
3 sl Bacon, cooked
1/2 c Iceberg lettuce, shredded
1/4 c Thousand Island dressing
Tomato, sliced
Onion, sliced
Dill pickle spears
50's Prime Time Cafe, Disney-MGM
Preheat oven 400 F.
Divide beef in half and place on a cookie sheet; top
each portion of beef with a slice of cheese; bake
until cheese melts and beef is warm. REmove from oven;
assemble sandwich as follows: Spread all 3 slices of
bread wtih dressing. On one slice, add a portion of
beef; top with lettuce and another slice of bread with
dressing. Add another portion of beef, lettuce, bacon
and finally the third piece of toast with dressing.
Secure with picks; cut in half. Serve with tomato,
onion, and pickle.