Saddlebag Chili
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.02
Categories: Chili, Maindish, Texmex, Meats
Servings: 8
4 lb Beef briskit (rough ground) 1/2 c Omato paste
3 Medium onions coarsely chopp 3 c Omato sauce
5 Cloves of garlic minced 1 ts Orcestershire sauce
6 Pieces of bacon 1 Green Bell pepper chopped
1 12 oz. beer 1 Red Bell pepper chopped
2 oz Sour mash whiskey 2 tb Ayenne flkes
2 tb Lackstrap molasses 8 Fresh whole Jalapeno~
1/2 ts Llspice 2 tb Basco sauce
1 ts Salt to taste 1/4 c Asa harina (fine
ground yell
4 tb Round cumin
Fry bacon. Reserve the grease. Eat the bacon! Saute the onions and Bell
peppers in the bacon grease with 1/2 of the minced garlic. Fry up the
briskit. Pour the beer and the whiskey into the LARGE pot and turn heat to
medium high. Dump in the onions & peppers that you sauteed tomato sauce,
Jalapenos, 3/4 of the cumin, the Worcestershire sauce, Cayenne flakes, &
the Tabasco sauce. When it begins to boil reduce heat to Medium and add all
other ingredients except the 1 remaining Tblspn of cumin. Cook on med. low
to low heat for 1 hour, stirring frequently. Add the last of the cumin now
and cook for another 10-15 minutes on medium high.
Stir constantly during this last cooking period.
