Carrot Soup
1 pound carrots, scraped and diced
1 med.-sized onion, chopped
1 14 1/2 oz. can vegetable broth
1 c. fatfree ricotta cheese
Fresh dill sprigs (optional) or a sprinkling of dried dillweed
1. In 4-quart saucepan, combine carrots, onion, and broth. Cover and heat to
boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer until carrots are tender,
about 15 minutes.
2. Remove saucepan from heat, uncover and cool carrot mixture 10 minutes. If
desired, set aside about 8 carrot slices for garnish.
3. Pour carrot mixture into electric blender or food processor fitted with
chopping blade. Cover and blend on low or pulse on processor until finely
chopped. Increase speed to medium and blend or process until smooth.
4. Stop the machine and add cheese to carrot mixture. Cover and blend or
process on medium to high speed till smooth. Pour into bowls and garnish with
carrot slices and dill, if desired.
107 calories per cup.
I've had some messy experiences with large amounts of hot liquid in blenders
and food processors, so I used a slotted spoon to lift the carrots and onions
out of the broth, and added just enough broth to facilitate pureeing in the
machine. Then I poured the carrot-ricotta puree back into the broth and stirred
it in. That worked very well.
The recipe also says that this can be served cold, but I haven't tried that
