Chestnut Soup
4 oz (1/2 cup) dry canellini beans, soaked and drained
1/2 pint (1 1/4 cups) water
1 pound chestnuts
1 stick celery
1 onion
sauteing liquid
1 1/2 pints (3 3/4 cups) water
Cook beans in 1/2 pint (1 1/4 cups) water til tender. Drain and reserve the
stock. Meanwhile, slit the chestnuts with a knife and bake in a moderate
oven til soft. When cool, remove the shells and skins. Chop the veggies and
soften in the sauteing liquid. Mix in the beans, chestnuts, and 1 1/2 pints
(3 3/4 cups) water and blend to a puree. Season well and dilute with a
little of the reserved bean stock to the desired consistency. Heat
thoroughly. Serve with warm french bread.
