The Perfect Buttermilk Biscuits
----- Now You're Cooking! v4.20 [Meal-Master Export Format]
Title: The Perfect Buttermilk Biscuits
Categories: breads, breakfast
Yield: 8 servings
1/2 c shortening
2 1/4 c flour
2 1/2 ts baking powder
1/2 ts baking soda
1 tb sugar
1/2 ts salt
1 1/4 c buttermilk
Place shortening in small plastic food bag. Flatten shortening between
plastic sheets so it is thin and return to freezer. This allows
shortening to become hard enough to break, into tiny pieces when
added to dry ingredients. Tear 2 pieces wax paper about 15 inches
long and place on counter, Sift flour, baking powder, baking soda,
sugar and salt onto wax paper. Place empty sifter on top of bare
sheet of wax paper, lift sheet of wax paper holding sifted dry
ingredients by sides and pour through sifter, sifting onto bare wax
paper. Sift back and forth 3 times, then sift once more into large
mixing bowl. Remove shortening from freezer. Cut into small bits,
about 1/4-inch square. Drop shortening bits into bowl of dry
ingredients and, using fingertips, lightly rub shortening and flour
together, occasionally tossing flour mixture so you touch all
particles of shortening with flour. When mixture has bits of
flour-covered shortening throughout, begin adding buttermilk. Using
fork, add buttermilk, lightly stirring to mix with dry ingredients.
Cover board or surface with dusting of flour. Gather sticky mass of
dough and place on floured surface. Dust hands with flour and gently
knead dough, adding enough flour only to make dough manageable. Pat
dough with hands or roll with floured rolling pin into round 1/2-inch
thick. Using 2-inch cutter, cut out biscuits and place touching each
other in 3 rows, in center of greased baking sheet. Place on middle
rack of 425-degree oven and bake 12 minutes, or until lightly golden.
Remove from oven and serve hot or warm. Makes 19 (2-inch round)
