Beer Cheese
1 12oz can of beer (not light)
1/2 cup hot water (120-130)degrees
2 Tablsp. sugar
1 Tablsp. salt
2 Tablsp. butter or marg.
1 8oz. package process Swiss or American cheese
5 cups bread or all purpose flour (approx.)
2 packages dry yeast
8 oz. natural Swiss cheese, cut into 1/4 inch cubes
In a large saucepan combine the beer, water, sugar, salt,
butter, and processed cheese and heat till hot. Lift off the heat and
cool to warm.
In a large mixing bowl put 2 cups flour and the yeast. Pour in
the warm cheese mixture and beat for 3 minutes with mixer flat beater.
Stir in the balance of the flour, 1/2 cup at a time, change to a dough
hook when the dough becomes too heavy for the flat beater.
Drop the cheese bits into the bowl while the mixer is running.
Knead for 10 minutes.
Place the dough in a buttered bowl and turn over to coat the
ball completely. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap until the dough has
risen to twice its size, about 1 hour.
Punch down and knead for 30 sec. to deflate. Divide the dough in
half. Roll each half into a 12x6 in. rectangle. Cut each rectangle
lengthwise into three 2 inch strips, leaving them joined at one end by
a 1/2 inch piece. Braid the strips. Tuck under the ends to make the
dough about the same length as the pan. Place in the bake pan.
Cover with waxed paper, and let rise in a warm place until the
dough rises about 1/2 inch above the pan, about 45 min.
In a preheated oven bake at 350 degrees for about 45 min.
Remove from oven and place on a rack to cool.
Makes: 2 medium loaves in 8x4 inch loaf pans.
