Black Walnut Butterscotch Rolls
----- Recipe in Meal-Master v7 Importable Format
Title: Black Walnut Butterscotch Rolls
Categories: Bread Osg1966 Rolls
Servings: 1
2 ea Yeast cakes
2 c Milk; scalded
1/2 c Sugar
2 ts Salt
2 ea Eggs
7 c Flour; sifted before measur
6 tb Shortening; softened - part
-butter for flavor
Crumble yeast into a bowl, add milk, which has been cooled, sugar, and
salt, and well beaten egg. Add all the flour to the liquid at once.
Work in shortening, knead gently. Cover with damp cloth, let rise
until double in bulk, about 2 hours.
Coat bottom of pan with butter, then sugar and walnuts. Roll dough 1/3
inch thick, brush with 2 T. melted butterm 1/2 c. brown sugar, 1/2 c.
chopped nuts and cinnamon if desired. Roll up like jelly roll; cut in
1 inch slices. Place cut side down on coated pan. Let rise until
almost double in bulk. Bake 20 to 25 minutes in a moderate oven, when
done let pan stay over rolls for a minutes to allow butterscotch
mixture to run down over them. Serve upside down.
Note: Moderate oven is 350 - 400 F.
Source: Mrs. John Buss, Baughman Grange, Wayne County, OH
