Babi Ketjap (Pork in Soy Sauce)
Hi Brenda, this is what I get when I highlight and copy into the mailer
program. Hey, it worked. It does not do that when I copy into wordpad or
Word. I think you gave me a solution. I just have to mail all the recipes
I want to myself. Hey Chelle, I think you need to try it this way. I can
just mail them to myself and then save my messages. Hey, I'll do what ever
works. Thanks Brenda.
MMMMM----- from Cheshire's Crafts & Cuisine http://www.cheshcat.com
Title: Babi Ketjap (Pork in Soy Sauce)
Categories: Indonesian, Pork
Yield: 4 servings
1 lb Pork Loin 1 Ginger, Fresh
1 lg Onion 4 tb Ketjap Manis
3 Garlic Cloves 1/2 c Water
1 Thai Chile
Cook the meat in one piece in a covered pan in a moderate oven (350 F)
until done. Remove from the oven and cool. When cool anough to
handle, cut very fine (1/8" by 1/2"). Grind together the onion,
garlic, ginger and pepper in a food pro- cessor. Fry in meat
drippings until onion is golden (approximately 15 to 20 minutes). Add
ketjap manis, water, and diced meat. Simmer about 20 minutes.
