Dill Bread Kh
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Dill Bread Kh
Categories: Breads, Ethnic
Yield: 1 Loaf
4 tb Yeast
2 c -water, warm
1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Salt
1 ts Baking soda
1/4 c Dill; 1/2 c fresh
4 Eggs
4 c Cottage cheese
10 c Flour
Dissolve yeast in warm water with 1/2 ts sugar. Heat cottage cheese to
lukewarm. Beat in remaining sugar, salt, baking soda, dill and eggs. Stir
in cheese. Beat 4 cups flour, add rest of flour 1 cup at a time. Spoon
thick batter into greased bowl. Let rise double. Stir down and spoon into 4
greased loaf pans. Let rise, bake 30 minutes. Brush with butter. Bake 10
minutes more From "Kitchen with a View" by Judi Burke, "The Keeper's House"
at Robinson Point Light on Isle au Haut, ME 04645.