French Bread
1/2 cup soymilk (I'm not sure if this scalding is actually necessary)
Add to it:
1 cup boiling water
While this liquid cools to approx. 85 degrees, dissolve:
1 cake compressed yeast
1/4 cup 85 degree water (important: water should be warm not HOT!)
After the yeast rests 10 minutes, add it to the soymilk mixture with:
11/2 tablespoons melted shortening (oil, margarine, or even cocunut milk)
1 tablespoon sugar or substitute
Measure into a large mixing bowl:
4 cups flour
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons sugar or substitute
Mix dry and wet ingredients. Stir thuroughly, but do not knead. The
dough should be soft and pretty moist. You may need to add a little
soymilk or water to get the right consistency. Cover with a damp cloth
and set in a warm place to rise for at least 2 hours. I prefer all day
or over night, gives it a more sour flavor from the yeast. After rising,
break down the dough. Shape into to loaves and place on a greased
baking sheet. Don't worry about the shape too much, I find it tastes
great no matter how misshapen it looks. Cut diagonal, 1/4 inch deep
slits across the tops. Set in warm place and allow to rise to somewhat
less than double in bulk (approx. 15 min.)
Preheat oven to 400
Cook twenty to thirty minutes until bread begins to brown.
Optional:(I prefer) five minutes before bread is done, brush lightly with
olive oil.
That's it. If this doesn't seem simple, just try it. After a few times
you'll do it without thinking. I especially like this recipe because
it's one of the few things I can bake that doesn't require any specialty
ingredients, which allows me to whip a batch up any time.
