Scottish Bap
450 g/1 lb. plain flour
1 level tsp. salt
50 g/2 oz. butter
15 g/1/2 oz. fresh yeast
150 ml/1/4 pt. lukewarm water
150 ml/1/4 pt. lukewarm milk
Sift flour and salt into bowl. Rub in butter. Mix yeast to
smooth and creamy liquid with a little of the warm water. Blend in
rest of water and milk. Add all at once to dry ingredients. Mix to
firm dough, adding a little extra flour, if necessary, until dough
leaves sides of bowl clean. Turn out onto lightly floured board.
Knead 10 minutes (or until smooth and elastic). Cover and leave to
rise until dough doubles in size. Turn out onto floured board.
Knead lightly and shape into ball. Roll out to 2 cm/1/4 inch thick
round, transfer to lightly buttered and floured baking tray and
dredge with plain flour. Cover and leave to rise until double in
size. Lightly dent top of Bap in 3 places with fingers (to prevent
blistering). Bake just about center of moderately hot oven (200
C/400 F or Gas No. 6) for 20 to 25 minutes. Cool on wire rack.
