Very Easy Breadsticks
1 Loaf of Frozen Bread Dough
Garlic Powder
Spaghetti Sauce (or something comparable)
Parmesan Cheese
First, you're going to need some frozen bread dough. You can
pick up frozen bread dough in bags of five at the grocery store
in the frozen section. Costs only a couple of bucks.
Once you have the bread at home, take out one of the frozen
loaves, and let it thaw. I recommend sprinkling flour on the frozen
loaf, and then wrapping it up in Saran wrap to thaw. It will
take about six hours or so for the bread to be thawed nicely.
(The reason I recommend sprinkling the flour on the frozen loaf
and wrapping it up in Saran wrap is that when the bread is
thawing, it will get really sticky, thus making it difficult to
peel off from the Saran wrap. The reason it is in Saran wrap
is that also while it is thawing, it will get a skin, which
would usually be the crust if you were making a regular loaf of
Once you have the bread thawed, you should heat the oven to 375
degrees. While the oven is heating, take the bread out of the
Saran wrap, sprinkle some more flour on it, and then flatten
it. It works best with a roller, but using your hands will do.
Once the bread is flattened, use a pizza cutter to slice the
bread into strips. Then place the strips on a baking sheet.
When the oven is ready to go, place the baking sheet with the
bread slices into the oven.
While the bread is cooking, melt some butter. The right amount
usually seems to be about a tablespoon or two, but you'll just
have to gauge it yourself through trial and error, to see how
much is right for you. When the butter is melted, add some
garlic powder to it (again, no set amount, just whatever suits
you). Mix it together with a brush.
Also, you should be heating up some spaghetti sauce if you want
something to dip the bread sticks in.
Now, to tell when the bread is done, periodically look into the
oven to determine if the bread has turned light brown on top.
It takes roughly ten minutes, but you'll have to experiment on
just how *done* you like your sticks. I prefer them softer and
chewier, as opposed to crispier, so I tend to take them out as
soon as a little bit of brown appears.
When the bread is done, take it out of the oven, and use the
brush to soak the sticks with your butter/garlic combination.
How much you brush on each stick is also a matter of taste.
Once you have brushed the butter/garlic combo on it, sprinkle
the top with Parmesan cheese.
Voila! There you go... awesome bread sticks, with not too much
preparation time. It does take a little more time than if you
were just to pop something from the store in the oven, BUT
TRUST ME, these bread sticks are so awesome it will be well
worth the effort!
