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Cake Doughnuts(Crocker)

* Exported from MasterCook II *


Recipe By :
Serving Size : 24 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Snacks

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
Vegetable oil
3 1/3 c All-purpose flour*
1 c Sugar
3/4 c Milk
2 tb Shortening
3 ts Baking powder
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
1/4 ts Ground nutmeg
2 Eggs

Heat oil (2 to 3 inches) in deep fryer or Dutch oven to 375F Beat 1.5
cups of the flour and the remaining ingredients in 1.5-quart bowl on low
speed, scraping bowl constantly, 30 seconds. Beat on medium speed,
scraping bowl occasionally, 2 minutes. Stir in remaining flour.
Turn the dough onto generously floured cloth-covered board; roll around
lightly to coat with flour. Gently roll 3/8 inch thick Cut with floured
doughnut cutter. Slide doughnuts into hot oil with wide spatula. Turn
doughnuts as they rise to surface. Fry until golden brown, 1 to 1.5
minutes on each side. Remove carefully from oil (do not prick surfaces);
drain. Serve plain or shake one at a time in a bag with powdered sugar.
2 dozen doughnuts;150 calories per doughnut. *If using self rising
flour; omit babng powder and salt. Buttermilk Doughnuts: Do not use
self rising flour. Substitute buttermilk for the milk. Decrease baking
powder to 2 ts and beat in 1 ts baking soda. NOTE: Hot fat cools
somewhat when foods are dropped into it. While foods are frying,
temperature of fat should be 370F to 380F. If fat is too hot, foods
brown before they are cooked through; if too cool, foods become
grease-soaked. A deep-fat thermometer is a good investment; checking it
helps maintain a constant temperature. Do not use a candy thermometer for
deep-fat fiying as it does not register high enough. Source: Betty
Crocker's Cookbook, 6th Edition

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