Fava Bean and Salt Cod Salad
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
Title: Fava Bean and Salt Cod Salad
Categories: Salads, Ceideburg 2
Yield: 4 servings
4 Ounces salt cod
2 To 2 1/2 pounds young fava
-beans, shelled, peeled
1/4 c Olive oil
2 tb Chopped fresh thyme or
-winter savory
1 ts Freshly ground black pepper
1/2 ts Salt (optional)
4 Ripe tomatoes, peeled,
-seeded and chopped (about
-1 cup)
Here, fava beans are paired with salt cod in a rich and filling
salad. To complement the rustic flavors of this dish, serve with
toasted garlic-rubbed baguette slices and a soft goat cheese.
Soak the salt cod overnight in a large bowl of cold water. The next
day, drain the cod, add fresh water and let soak for 2 hours. Drain,
add fresh water and let soak 2 hours longer. The amount of soaking
time needed to leach the salt from the fish will vary.
Bring 4 cups of water to a shimmering simmer in skillet just large
enough to hold the fish. Add the fish and poach until barely cooked
through (it should flake easily), about 5 minutes. Do not boil.
Remove fish and drain well, then flake it.
Cook the favas in 4 cups boiling water until just tender, about 10 to
15 minutes. Drain.
Combine the olive oil, thyme or savory, pepper and salt (if desired).
Toss with the favas.
Arrange equal portions of the dressed beans, flaked fish and chopped
tomatoes on individual salad plates.
Serves 4.
PER SERVING: 285 calories, 21 g protein, 75 g fat (2 g saturated),
37 mg cholesterol, 323 mg sodium, 4 g fiber.
From the San Francisco Chronicle, 4/21/93.
Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; May 11 1993.