Blackeye Peas Rice
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 94 11:56:31 EDT
From: Lauren Bednarcyk <saslab@unx.sas.com>
Black-Eye Peas and Rice (T)
1 onion
water/broth for saute
1 15oz can peeled tomatoes, drained
or equivalent amount of fresh tomatoes (~1.5 cups)
1 15oz can Black Eye Peas, drained
2 cups cooked white rice
(I used a mixture of white/brown basmati)
Salt, pepper, garlic powder for seasoning
Chop the onion and saute it in a good size frying pan
with the broth. If you are using fresh tomatoes, add
them and cook until they are soft. Stir in the remaining
ingredients and heat through.
Makes about 3-4 servings, as a main course casserole
Don't drain the tomatoes and black-eyes completely. You need
a little "juice" to make it a nice mushy (comforting) casserole.
I really liked it with a generous amount of pepper.
This recipe was from a TV program here in Raleigh NC called
"Southern Sportsman". I just took out the oil and bacon.
