Cuban Black Beans
This one was originally posted months (years?) ago on the old Granola
list. The original recipe called for 1/2 cup of oil but I have made
it without this several times and found the flavors to be sharper. Put
in more of all of the herbs and spices if you want this to be *really*
spicy. It is good with rice and a bit of Indian garlic pickle on the
1/2 lb. dried black beans
1 med onion, finely chopped
1/2 small green pepper, finely chopped
garlic, pressed (however much you can stand. I probably used 4-5 cloves)
a little oregano
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1-2 bay leaves
a med. spoonful of Dijon or other strong-flavoured mustard
1 tbsp dark, strong-flavored vinegar
red wine to taste
a little red pimento, finely chopped (maybe 1/4 cup)
dash of red (cayenne) pepper
sea salt to taste
1 veg. bouillon cube
1 1-inch piece of Kombu sea vegetable (optional, some say)
Wash and soak the beans overnight in water to cover. The next day,
saute the onion and green pepper until soft. Add black beans, along
with soaking water. Add remaining ingredients, stir well, cover, and
cook until beans are soft. Serve over rice with chopped onions on top.
