Rice And Beans Cubano
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
Title: Rice And Beans Cubano
Categories: Beans
Yield: 6 servings
1 lg green pepper -- chopped
2 cloves garlic -- crushed
3 TB olive oil
2 16-oz cans black beans
1/2 ts oregano
3 TB vinegar
3 pimientos -- minced
3 c hot cooked rice
Cook rice separately, hold aside. Saute pepper and
garlic in oil until softened. Add rest of ingredients
except rice. Cover and simmer until heated through.
Taste for seasoning. Serve over rice.
Recipe By :
From: Rooby <rooby@shell.Masterpiece.Codate: Sun, 27
Oct 1996 18:11:55 -0800