Pasta Salad with Chicken and Artichokes
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01
Title: Pasta Salad with Chicken and Artichokes
Categories: Salads, Pasta, Poultry
Yield: 6 servings
1 lb Pasta shells 2 tb Oil
1 1/2 c Mayonnaise 3 tb Lemon juice
3 tb Chopped parsley 1 ts Dried parsley
3 c Diced cooked chicken 6 oz Jar artichokes chopped and
1 ea Dash of tabasco 1 ea Toasted almonds
Cook pasta in large pot of boiling, salted water until tender, but firm, 8
to 12 minutes, stirring often. Drain well and rinse with cold water. Shake
out excess water and toss pasta with oil. Combine mayonnaise, lemon juice,
parsley and basil. Place pasta in large bowl. Add mayonnaise mixture,
chicken, artichokes and tabasco. Toss well. Garnish with almonds. For a
decorative presentation, serve in avacado halves, in tomato cups or on
lettuce leaves. Yields 6-8 servings.