The basics:
X Cups cornmeal (polenta)
4X Cups water
salt to taste
The standard method:
In a heavy saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add the
salt. Stiring constantly, pour the cornmeal into the water
in a steady stream. Reduce heat to a slow simmer. Continue
to cook, stirring contantly, until the porrige becomes very
thick (The spoon can stand in it). Scrape the polenta into
a non-stick pan or ceramic dish (or some container which will
release it when it cools). Cool completely. The polenta
will be like a loaf. To serve it, cut into slices, heat in
the oven, && serve with whatever topping you desire.
The quickie method:
Boil the water on the stove. Pour it into a large
microwave-safe bowl && add the salt. Stiring constantly, pour
the cornmeal into the water in a steady stream. Cook the
polenta in a microwave on medium power for (2-5 minutes, longer
for a larger serving). Remove from the microwave && stir
vigourously. It will not cook evenly && this stirring helps
prevent lumps. Repeat this process until the polenta is
thick && then proceed as above.
The really quickie method:
Boil the water, toss in the salt && cornmeal &&
microwave on medium power for 5-8 minutes (depending on
quantity). Remove from microwave && stir like crazy to smash
all of the lumps. Repeat if you need to thicken it some more,
stir, and live with the few remaining lumps.
