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Fresh Rice Sheets For Noodles Or Wrappers

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05

Categories: Rice, Pasta
Yield: 8 Sheets

1 c Rice flour
5 tb Tapioca starch *
4 tb Wheat starch *
1 ts Kosher salt
2 c Water; plus
2 tb Water
5 ts Oil
x Oil; to grease pans

* Tapioca starch and wheat starch are both pure white, silky textured
powders, available in 1-pound bags in well-stocked Asian Markets.

1. Combine rice flour, tapioca starch, wheat starch, salt and water
and stir until smooth. Strain batter through a fine strainer and
stir in 5 teaspoons oil. Let batter rest 30 minutes.

2. Lightly oil a baking sheet and two 8x8 inch or 9x9 inch square
cake pans. Place a steaming rack in a wok and add water to just
below rack. Bring to a boil and have additional boiling water ready
to replenish steamer.

3. Stir batter very well and pour enough into one of the cake pans to
cover bottom, about 1/2 cup. Set pan on steaming rack, cover wok, and
steam 5 minutes. Remove lid, being careful not to let condensed
water drip on rice sheet. (A tea towel can be placed over pan before
covering wok - K.F.) Remove cake pan; cool in a sink or lager pan
filled with 1/2 inch cold water. Meanwhile, fill and steam the other
cake pan.

4. Loosen the cooled rice sheet from the first pan and roll it out
onto the oiled baking sheet. Turn over rice sheet to lightly oil
both sides, then transfer to a platter. Repeat cooking, cooling, and
oiling steps with remaining batter.

5. Stack rice sheets on a plate, cover with plastic wrap, and
refrigerate at least 2 hours before cutting into noodles or adding

From: =Southeast Asian Cooking= by Jay Harlow
: ISBN 0-89721-098-0

MM & typos by Kurt. From: Kurt Faria Date: 02 Jan 97


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