* Exported from MasterCook *
Recipe By : Key Gourmet CD Rom
Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Rice
Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 medium onion -- minced
1/2 stick margarine
1 cup long grain rice
2 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Saute onion in margarine until tender. Add rice, stirring until margarine is a
bsorbed. Stir in broth or chicken bouillon. Put mixture into 2-quart casserol
e. Bake in 350 degree oven uncovered for 30 minutes or until liquid is absorbe
d and rice is tender.
Remove from oven. Stir in parmesan cheese until well blended. Serve as an ac
companiment to chicken or veal. Serves 4.
busted by sooz
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