Veggies Rice
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 94 13:34:39 EST
From: jane@apollo.hp.com
Vegetables and Rice
Time estimate: 15 minutes to chop, 45 minutes to cook
bunch of broccoli
1 carrot
3 or so scallions, to make about 1/2 cup when chopped
some mushrooms, to make about 1/2 cup when chopped
1 clove of garlic
parseley to taste, I use about 2 Tbsp
3/4 cup of brown rice
1 1/2 cup water
2 buillion cubes (the amount of buillion cubes that would go with 2 cups water)
broccoli, keeping stem separate from broccoli flowers
(peeled or scraped) carrot
garlic (I run this through a garlic press)
Heat in big saucepan about 1/4 of an inch of water on high heat. Add:
broccoli stems (NOT flowers)
Cover and let steam for about 5 minutes.
Add to saucepan:
brown rice
1 1/2 cups water
buillion cubes
Stir once, keep covered on high heat until it comes to a very big boil. Stir
again, then cover and turn down heat to very low.
Cook on very low (don't remove cover--I use glass cover to saucepan so I
can see in there) until the water has been mostly absorbed, about 35 minutes.
At this point, the rice should have about 5 minutes to go (taste it to see).
Put in the broccoli flower on the top so that they get steamed for about
5 minutes or less.
Before serving, stir up to mix broccoli flower with the rest and serve.
