Stuffed Pumpkin
Thanksgiving Pumpkin Stuffed w/ Rice and Chestnuts
Adapted from _The High Road to Health_, Wagner and Spade
1 medium pumpkin (12 to 14 inches in diameter)
2 Tablespoons honey
2 Tablespoons soy sauce
1 cup water
1/2 pound fresh chestnuts
1/4 cup unsulfured raisins
1 medium red apple, chopped
1/4 cup diced celery
1 medium onion, chopped
2 ears corn kernals cut off cob
1 medium green pepper, chopped
2 cups cooked brown rice
1 pound firm Chinese tofu, diced and drained
1/4 teaspoon mace
3 tablespoons Braggs Aminos or mild soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
parsley springs to garnish
1. Preheat oven to 350F. Wash pumpkin and cut off the top, use large
spoon to scoop out strings and seeds. Mix honey and soy sauce and
spread evenly over insides of pumpkin. Place 1 cup water in the bottom
of large baking pan, place top back on pumpkin and place pumpkin in
baking pan, cover with foil. Bake for 20 minutes or until pumpkin is
just starting to become tender.
2. Meanwhile, prepare the chestnuts by cutting off the shells using a
sharp knife. The chestnuts will have a soft brown skin under the shell.
Steam the nuts for about 15 minutes, or until they are tender. Rinse
them in cool water and slip off the brown skins. Chop chestnuts
3. Combine chestnuts with raisins, apple, celery, onions,
corn, green pepper, and brown rice, mix well
4. Heat some water in medium skillet. Add tofu and enough paprika to
give it a pleasing color and cook over high heat for 3 minutes,
stirring constantly. Combine the tofu with rice mixture, mace, Braggs
Aminos, and cinnamon and mix until well blended.
Fill the pumpkin with this mixture, replace top. place it in baking
dish with 1/4 inch water in bottom. Bake for 45 minutes, serve on large
platter garnished with parsley, raw cranberries, and orange slices.
