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Basil's Garlic Mayonnaise

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02

Categories: Sauces
Yield: 2 1/2 cups

1 Whole garlic bulb
Olive oil and honey to coat
-the garlic
4 Egg yolks
1/4 c Red wine vinegar
1/4 c Dijon mustard
3 c Vegetable oil
1 ts Salt
1 ts White pepper

Serve with Basil's Crab Cakes, Louisiana-Style.

1. Cut off about 1/2-inch of the top of the garlic bulb (the tips of
the cloves will be barely visible) and peel off the excess outer
papery skin. Rub bulb with a little olive oil and honey to keep it
from drying out. Place bulb, top side down, on a cookie sheet.

2. Bake in a preheated 375-degree oven until soft, about 20 minutes.

3. When cool, scoop out garlic into a food processor. Add egg yolks,
vinegar and mustard; process for 3 minutes. With machine running,
slowly add oil and process until mixture thickens, about 3 to 5

4. Season with salt and white pepper. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Source: Basil's Restaurant in Michigan City, Indiana.


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