White Gravy
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 95 08:52:30 PST
From: elinorl@mcn.org (Elinor Lindheimer)
I too modify the McDougall recipes sometimes. Last night I made mashed
potatoes, carrots, and turnips (steamed and then mashed with a little
cooking water and some rice milk) and "Chick 'n' Wheat" "cutlets" (Knox
Mountain brand--delicious!) and for a gravy I took the sauce from the
Garbanzo Shepherd's Pie (which is delicious, by the way). I've used that
sauce many times. It's like a white sauce, fatfree! This time I used an
herb blend instead of Parsley Patch and about 1/2 tsp.garlic granules, and
added two heaping teaspoons of nutritional yeast. Here's the recipe for
those who don't have the book (modified cooking method, too):
White gravy
2 cups soy or rice milk
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1/2 tbs. Parsley Patch seasoning
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
Heat 1 1/2 cups soy or rice milk, add soy sauce and seasonings. Mix the
cornstarch with the remaining milk and add to the pot, stirring constantly.
It should thicken quickly. Cook on low heat about few minutes, stirring. It
holds well if the rest of dinner isn't quite ready.
The McDougall recipe puts the cornstarch in 1/4 cup water, but for a gravy
you don't need the extra liquid.
