Hot Chili Rum Marinade
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Title: Hot Chili Rum Marinade
Categories: Marinades
Yield: 2 cups
1 Scotch bonnet chili pepper,
-seeds, stem, and veins
1/2 c Rum, dark
1/4 c Lime juice, fresh
1 tb Lime zest, grated
3/4 c Peanut oil, Asian or
-domestic cold-pressed
1/4 c Cilantro leaves, chopped
3 Garlic cloves, minced or
Kosher salt and pepper, to
Puree the chili pepper, rum, and lime juice in a blender or
food processor. With the motor unning, add the peanut oil a
little at a time. Add the cilantro and garlic. The marinade
will keep in an airtight jar for about 1 week in the
Source: "Dry Rubs, Pastes & Marinades for Poultry, Meat,
Seafood, Cheese & Vegetables" by Jim Tarantino, 1992. The
Crossing Press, Freedom, CA 95019.