Lime-Cilantro Marinade
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Lime-Cilantro Marinade
Categories: Seasonings
Yield: 1 Servings
1/3 c Fresh lime juice 1 1/2 ts Hot pepper sauce
2 ts Coarsely grated lime peel 1 1/2 ts Dried oregano
1/4 c Olive oil 3/4 ts Salt
20 ml Garlic -- minced 1/4 ts Coarsely ground black
1/3 c Chopped fresh cilantro Pepper
In a large, shallow glass baking dish, combine ingredients.
Refrigerate unused marinade up to several days.
Uses: As a marinade for chicken, steaks, fish or shrimp (enough for about
2 pounds). Marinate at least 30 minutes. Baste with leftover marinade. If
cooking in the oven, serve with pan drippings.
Source: "The Ultimate Barbecue Sauce Cookbook", by Jim Auchmutey and
: Susan Puckett, 1995. Longstreet Press, Inc.
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