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Basil's Champagne Sauce

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02

Categories: Sauces, Alcoholic
Yield: 2 cups

1 c Chopped shallots
1 c Chopped button mushrooms
1 c Chopped leeks (white part)
1/4 c Chopped celery
Oil for sauteing
2 Bay leaves
4 Whole white peppercorns
4 c Champagne
4 c Clear fish stock, court
-bouillion or clam juice
4 c Heavy cream
1/4 c Honey
1/4 c Chopped fresh tarragon
Salt and white pepper
1/2 c Butter, softened

Serve with Basil's Crab Cakes Louisiana-Style.

1. In a skillet, saute shallots, mushrooms, leeks and celery for 5
minutes in just enough hot oil to cover the bottom of the pan. Add
bay leaves and white peppercorns; cook, stirring, for 2 minutes.

2. Add Champagne; cook over medium heat until reduced by half, about
7 to 10 minutes. Add fish stock; continue cooking until reduced by
half, another 7 to 10 minutes. Add cream; reduce heat to low and cook
until slightly thickened, about 20 to 30 minutes.

3. Remove from heat. Strain; discard vegetables and bay leaf and
return the sauce to the pan. Whisk in honey, tarragon, salt and white
pepper. Add butter, stirring until melted.

Source: Basil's Restaurant, Michigan City, Indiana.


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