Butter Sauce
---------- exported from cookworks for meal-master, v7.0
title: butter sauce
categories: professional, sauce
servings: 1
2 oz unsalted butter
2 oz bread flour
2 c water
5 egg yolk
2 oz heavy cream
1 oz fresh lemon juice
kosher salt
white pepper
4 oz unsalted butter
heat the butter in a saucepan, over a medium-low flame
whisk in the flour to make a white roux
whisk in the water
heat and stir for 10 minutes, until smooth and thickened combine yolks
and cream to make a liason
add 1 tablespoon hot sauce to the liason-mix well
slowly stir the tempered liason back into the hot sauce heat and stir
until just below the simmering point, do not boil
stir in lemon juice
season to taste with salt and pepper
strain through a chinois or cheesecloth
stir the pieces of butter into the sauce, one at a time
keep warm, do not boil
serve hot or warm
