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Dinkle Zwiebelsosse

---------- exported from cookworks for meal-master, v7.0

title: dinkle zwiebelsosse
categories: professional, sauce, german
servings: 3

1 c onion
3 t margarine
1/4 c flour
1 c brown stock
1/2 c whipping cream
1 t dry white wine
1/4 t salt
1/4 t pepper
1/8 t sugar

heat margerine in a skillet, over a moderate flame
add onions and saute for 6-8 minutes, until golden
whisk in flour
heat and stir to a rich brown color
stir in stock and cream-mix well
heat to a low boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 5-10 minutes, until
remove from heat and allow to cool slightly
process in a food processor or blender until smooth
serve hot, with fish or vegetables


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