Patligian Moussaka
2 med. to lg. eggplant
1/2 lb. lean ground lamb
1/2 lb. lean ground round
1 can tomato sauce
1 can Italian style cut tomatoes
1 med. yellow onion, chopped
1 red, green or gold bell pepper,
Salt and pepper to taste
Dash of cayenne pepper
1 tsp. fresh basil leaves, chopped
1 clove crushed garlic
2 tbsp. olive oil
Prepare the eggplant by peeling and slicing into 1/4 inch rounds.
Sprinkle the eggplant rounds generously with salt and let stand
until the eggplant sweats. Thoroughly wash off the salt, and then
squeeze the eggplant lightly and then dry. Brown off the ground
meat in the olive oil, and then add the rest of the ingredients.
Now layer the eggplant and the meat mixture alternately (eggplant
first) in a covered glass casserole. The last layer should be meat.
Bake in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour. A variation to
this recipe would be to add a layer of Monterey Jack cheese
interspersed with the meat and eggplant.
