Sesame Candy
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Categories: Candies
Yield: 1 Servings
-----------------------------THE FRUGAL GOURMET-----------------------------
-------------------------ON OUR IMMIGRANT ANCESTORS-------------------------
Stuart Talkofsky-BSNX01A
3 c Honey
2 c Sesame seeds
Peanut oil
Do not make candy on a hot or humid day.
In a deep, medium-size sauce pan slowly heat honey over medium-low heat,
using heat defuser, to the hard-crack stage (about 305~ to 310~ on a candy
thermometer. Stir down often to prevent boiling over, about 45 minutes.
Stir in sesame seeds. Set aside for a few minutes to cool slightly.
Lightly grease a 9 x 13 inch baking sheet with peanut oil. Do not use waxed
paper. Pour honey mixture on to it. Set baking sheet on a cooling rack.
When cooled, but not hard. score into diamond shapes. When cooled
completely, remove candy and separate into pieces.
This is listed as a Saudi Arabian recipe from Frugal Gourmet, "On Our
Immigrant Ancestors" by Jeff Smith p.