Zupa Kartoflana - Polish Potato Soup
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
Categories: Cyberealm, Ethnic, Soups
Yield: 1 pot
3 md Potatoes, sliced
2 Stalks celery
1 lg Onion, sliced thin
2 Carrots
1 Sprig parsley
2 qt Water
3 tb Butter
1 tb Flour
1 c Top milk
Salt to taste
Cover vegetables with water, add seasoning and cook
until well done. Force through sieve. Heat butter
until light brown, stir in flour, and let mixture cook
until it bubbles and is well blended. Gradually add
hot milk to the flour mixture and let simmer just
below the boiling point until mixture is smooth and
thick. Add to strained vegetables and let simmer until
smooth and thickened. Sprinkle with chopped parsley
and serve with egg barley.