Pennsylvania "Dirt" Pie
Crust -
2 1 ounce squares semisweet chocolate
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 cups chocolate cookie crumbs
Topping -
1/3 cup heavy cream
2 1 ounce squares semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Filling -
2 pints vanilla nonfat frozen yogurt
5 tablespoons chocolate cookie crumbs
2 pints chocolate sorbet or chocolate nonfat frozen yogurt
1. Prepare Chocolate Crust: Inheavy 1 quart saucepan over low heat or
microwave-safe bowl in microwave oven, melt chcolate and butter; stir in
chocolate crumbs until well mixed. Press crumb mixture firmly into bottom
and side of greased 9 inch pie plate, making a raised edge around rim of
plate, Freeze crust 10 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, preprae topping: In heavy 1 quart saucepan over low heat or
microwave safe bowl in microwave oven, heat cream, chocolate, and corn
syrup until cocolate melts, stirring until smooth. Stir in vanilla and
set aside to cool to roomtemperature.
3. Prepare filling: Soften vnailla frozen yogurt at room temperature 15
minutes. With small ice-cream scoop, scoop about 1/4 pint vanilla frozen
yogurt into 5 balls and place on plate. Place balls in freezer toharden.
Scoop remaining vanilla frozen yogurt in small dollops into Chocolaate
Crust; spread to an even layer. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons chocolate
crumbs; freeze pie 15 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, soften chocolate sorbet at room temperature for 15
miinutes. Remove pie from freezer. Scoop about 1/2 pint chocolate sorbet
in small dollops over vanilla layer in pie, spreading evenly. Sprinklw
with 2 tablespoons crumbs. Scoop remaining 1 1/2 pints chocolate sorbet
into balls around top edge of pie. Place vnailla frozen yogurt balls in
center of pie. Cover pie with plastic wrap and freeze 15 minutes.
5. Drizzle 2 or 3 tablespoons cooled topping over pie and sprinkle with
remaining 1 tablespoon crumbs. Cover pie loosely with plactic wrap and
freeze until firm--4 hours or overnight. Cover and refrigerate remaining
6. To serve, let pie stand 15 minutes for easier cutting. Meanwhile,
microwave remaining topping or reheat in small saucepan just until
spoonable. cut pie into wedges and serve with remaining topping.
Nutrition information: protein: 2 grams; fat: 15 grams;carbohydrates: 53
grams; Fiber: 4 grams; sodium: 258 milligrams; cholesterol: 35 milligrams;
calories: 357.
