Gingered Bananas
---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Title: Gingered Bananas
Categories: Desserts
Yield: 3 Servings
1/4 c Butter
3 Firm ripe bananas, peeled
-and cut in 2" sections
1 tb Fresh ginger, grated
3 tb Brown sugar
1/4 c Rum
2 tb Sweetened coconut, grated
Heat butter over medium high heat i skillet until
foamy. Add bananas and ginger and saute for 2-3
minutes or until golden. Remove bananas to serving
plates. Add sugar and rum, quickly stirring into
butter for 20-30 seconds or until a sauce forms.
Place hot sauce over bananas and sprinkle with coconut.
*As an option, stir chopped stem ginger into ice cream
and serve over bananas. Source: Cityline Club
CITY-TV Toronto, Ont. Typed in MMFormat by
cjhartlin@msn.com Recipe by: Lucy Waverman