Potato Croquettes Stuffed w/Meat
Potato Croquettes Stuffed w/Meat No. 2125 Yields 10 Croquettes
2 Cups Leftover Mashed 3 Tbls Parsley, Minced
Potatoes 2 Green Onions, Chopped
1 Tbls Butter - Dorure
1 Cup Ground Beef - Seasoned Bread Crumbs
- Salt - Oil For Frying
- Pepper
1/8 tsp Allspice
Preheat the oil in the deep fryer.
Shape the mashed potatoes into balls about the size of small limes.
Set aside.
Saute the ground beef in the butter.
Add the parsley and green onions during the last minute of cooking.
Season with salt, pepper and allspice (add a little cayenne if you wish to
make it spicy).
Let cool in a colander until all the oil has dripped off.
Hold one potato ball at a time in one hand.
Insert the index finger of the other hand into the middle to create a hollow
Fill with meat mixture.
Seal up the hole.
Place the croquette between the palms of your hands and press to flatten
slightly into a patty shape.
Dip each into the dorure and then into the bread crumbs.
Deep fry until golden.
