Fava Bean Dip
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
Categories: Appetizers, Spreads, Snacks, Vegetarian
Yield: 2 Cups
1.00 lg Tomato, coarsly chopped
1.00 md Onion, coarsly chopped
1.00 Hot chili pepper, halved
2.00 Cloves of garlic
2.00 tb Soy sauce
4.00 tb Chili powder
2.00 tb Ground cumin
2.00 c Cooked pinto beans OR
-- fava beans
Place tomato, onion, pepper, garlic, soy sauce, chili
powder and
cumin in a blender. Process on medium speed until
smooth. Add 1 cup
of beans & process on medium until well blended. Add
remaining beans
and blend again until smooth. Serve with Torilla chips
or crackers.
Yield 2 cups
Source Unknown