Fruit Leather
To make fruit leather:
Select ripe or slightly overripe produce (combinations also if desired).
Wash, remove any blemishes, stems or pits and peal produce if desired.
(Skins are highly nutritious.) Puree the produce in a blender until
it is smooth.
Pour 1 1/2 to 2 cups of puree on to the parchment paper or plastic
wrap covered trays of dehydrator. Since the edges tend to dry more
rapidly, the poured puree should be 1/8" thick at the center and 1/4"
thick at the edges. Place in the dehydrator with temperature set at
135. Average drying time for leathers is 4 to 6 hours. When the
leather has dried, it will be a bit shiny and non-sticky to the touch.
Allow the leather to cool and peel it from the tray. Roll it into a
tight cylindrical shape. A piece of plastic wrap, measured to fit
the length and widith, is then tightly wrapped around the leather.
