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Basil Carrots

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01

Title: Basil Carrots
Categories: Diabetic, Vegetables, Side dishes
Yield: 6 sweet ones

6 md Carrots; 1 tb Margarine; melted
1 tb Butter; melted 1/4 ts Salt;
-=OR=- 1/4 ts Basil leaves; crushed

Slice carrots. Simmer, covered, in salted water until tender, about
10 to 15 minutes; drain. Combine remain ingredients, toss with
carrots. Food Exchanges per serving: 1 VEGETABLE EXCHANGES

Source: Better Homes and Gardens Calorie Counter's Cookbook by WHOM
Brought to you and yours via Nancy O'brion and her Meal-Master


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