Ammonite Chowder
----- Now You're Cooking! v4.20 [Meal-Master Export Format]
Title: Ammonite Chowder
Categories: cambrian, critters, extinct, seafood, weird
Yield: 1 batch
6 1/2 c canned tomatoes; peeled
3 md onions; diced
6 ea carrots; peeled, sliced
4 md potatoes; peeled, sliced
3 ea jalapeno peppers; peeled,
-deveined, sliced
2 tb beef bouillon
5 lb ammonites*
1 c butter; melted
3 1/4 c canned corn
1 ts salt; or to taste
13 c water
1 ds tabasco; or to taste
*If ammonites are unavailable or extinct in your area, squid or conch will
make an excellent substitute.
In a large pot, break up the tomatoes and add the onion, carrots, potatoes,
jalapeno peppers and beef bouillon. Cook until tender.
Contributor: Roy Olsen (roy@indy.net) (htto://www.indy.net/~roy/)
