Bread Recipe Conversion
I have attached a text copy of the bread recipe conversion. This is
taken from Quick and Delicious Bread Machine recipes by Norman
Garrett, without permission. I have also attached it in WordPerfect
format in case anyone wants the forms in their table form for nicer
{NOTE: We removed the WordPerfect version because of mailing list
limitations. Reggie & Jeff}
While I was keying this in I decided to pust some of my old DAK
recipes through the conversion. Cause what was good for the R2D2 may
not be good for the Zojirushi. I had made a loaf of Drew's Dill Onion
bread last year when I first got my new machine, and it wasn't like I
remembered it. In the old days, different machine, I used to make
this all the time and loved it. I made the conversion on Sunday. The
liquidity ratio for the Zo is 2.89 and the Dill onion bread recipe was
1.89. I modified it, dumped in the ingredients, poof! perfect dough
ball. Cinnamon raisin next.
Hope You're having a great day!
Recipe Conversion
This technique is for yeast breads only
Four steps:
1. Cut the recipe down so it will make one loaf.
2. Determine the parameters of your bread machine.
3. Determine the liquidity ratio of the recipe.
4. Determine the overall bulk of the recipe.
1. Reducing recipe size.
Most recipes tell how many loaves they make. Some will tell the size of
the loaf. Cut the recipe down so it will make one loaf.
A rough judgement can be made by looking at the flour required. A 1
pound loaf requires about 2 cups of flour. Therefore if your recipe calls for
6 cups of flour, you can figure it will make 3 - 1 pound loaves or 2 - 1 1/2
pound loaves.
2. Determine machine parameters.
Since each machine varies in its capacity and motor power, you must
determine the acceptable ranges for your machine in two categories: liquidity
ratio and bulk. To find your machine's range, look at the basic white bread
recipe that came with the machine. Determine the number of cups of flour
called for. Follow that column until you find the row that shows the number
of ounces of liquid (water or milk) called for in the recipe. In that box you
will find the ratio range for your machine. Highlight or write down the ratio
Bulk is determined by the number of cups of flour called for in the
basic white bread recipe for your machine. If the recipe calls for 2 to 2 1/2
cups of flour, you have a 1 pound machine. If the recipe calls for 3 to 4
cups of flour you have a 1 1/2 pound (or greater) machine.
Bread Machine Liquidity Ratios
Ounces Liquid Cups of Flour
1/8C = 1oz
2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2
5 2.9-3.5 3.6-4.4 4.3-5.3 5.0-6.2
6 2.4-3.0 3.0-3.6 3.6-4.4 4.2-5.2
7 2.1-2.5 2.6-3.2 3.1-3.7 3.6-4.4
8 1.8-2.2 2.3-2.8 2.7-3.3 3.2-3.9
9 1.6-2.0 2.0-2.4 2.4-3.0 2.8-3.4
10 1.4-1.8 1.8-2.2 2.2-2.6 2.5-3.1
11 1.4-1.7 1.6-2.0 2.0-2.4 2.3-2.8
The ratio for my Zo is 2.89. (3.25 cups flour / 1 1/8 cups water)
Ratio is computed by dividing dry ingredients by liquid. Higher ratios
indicate stiffer dough. Lower ratios indicate more liquid dough.
3. Determining Liquidity Ratio.
Using the following chart you now need to determine the liquidity ratio
of your recipe. Fill in the ingredients and their amounts in the appropriate
columns. Write the amounts as decimal fractions so you can use a calculator
later to add them up. For example if the recipe calls for 2 1/2 cups of flour
- put 2.5 in the dry cup column. You'll have to determine whether an
ingredient is dry or wet. Generally - use the form the ingredient is in when
you add it. Exeptions to this are things that are goin to melt when heat is
applied such as butter, margarine, fresh cheese or shortening.
Some ingredients shouldn't be computed. Don't include the following in
the calculation: yeast, raisins / nuts / seeds added at the mix cycle.
You should count raisins / nuts / or seeds added initially as dry
After you have entered all the ingredients, total each column and place
the sum in the subtotal box. Then multiply the subtotal by the multiplier
specified and place the result in the total box. Add the totals together for
wet and dry grand totals. Then divide the dry grand total by the wet grand
total to compute the ratio for this recipe.
For best results the ratio should fall within the range specified for
your machine from step 2. If the ratio only misses by a few points it will
probably be satifactory. If the ratio is below the range your dough might be
too wet. Try a slight reduction in liquid ingredients or an increase in dry
ingredients and recalculate. If the ratio is above the range, it is too dry.
Add liquid or reduce the dry ingredients.
You may still need to experiment a little but this calculation will get
you beyond the trial and error stage.
Dough Liquidity Calculation Worksheet
tsp tbs cup tsp tbs cup oz
Multiplier 3 48 3 48 6
Grand Total
Liquidity ratio
4. Determining Bulk.
You don't want to overflow the machine so make sure that the recipe
doesn't call for more than 2 1/2 cups of flour for a one pound machine, or
more than 3 1/2 cups for a 1 1/2 pound machine. If you need to fine tune the
recipe make equal adjustments to both the wet and dry ingredients in order to
maintain the liquidity ratio.
