Great Sources of Calcium
Dark green vegetables, such as broccoli and collard, mustard, and turnip
greens are much better sources of calcium than milk. A single cup of
broccoli contains almost a fourth of the U.S. RDA of calcium. Another good
source is calcium-fortified orange juice. Beans and tortillas are also
good sources of calcium.
Some people do need hormone treatments and/or calcium supplementation for
varying conditions. The risks and benefits should be discussed with one's
Good Sources of Calcium (single servings)
Broccoli, boiled (95g or 3.5 oz) 72 mg
Spinach, boiled (130g or 5 oz) 208 mg
Chick peas, boiled (200g or 8 oz) 92 mg
Baked beans (200g or 8 oz) 90 mg
Tofu (60g or 2 oz) 304 mg**
Dried figs (4 figs) 168 mg
Sesame seeds (15g or 0.5 oz) 20 mg
Brazil nuts (9 nuts, 30 g) 54 mg
Cows milk (0.3 pint) 234 mg
Cheddar cheese (slice, 40 g) 288 mg
Soya cheese (slice, 40 g) 180 mg
Fair Sources
Brown bread (2 slices) 70 mg
Dried apricots (8 apricots) 46 mg
Cottage cheese (45g or 1.5 oz) 33 mg
French beans, boiled (100g) 41 mg
**my note--some tofu is made with Calcium nitrate as the coagulant, and
is therefore a good source of calcium. Some tofu is made with nigari as
the coagulant, and does not have much calcium. Read the label.
