Flour Weights
For all the experts on this list, Please give us your recommendations on
how much one cup of flour should weigh for bread baking!
I know that by weighing flour, as opposed to measuring it, that I can
achieve more consistent results in my bread machine. It is also easier to
weigh flour than it is to "sprinkle" the flour into a cup.
My dilemna is that I have seen widely varying weights for one cup of flour.
I also know that all flours do not weigh the same, ie, one cup of bread
flour does not weigh the same as one cup of rye.
Weight of flour PER CUP:
4 3/8 ounces or 125 grams all-purpose flour (USDA)
4 5/8 ounces or 130 grams all-purpose flour (Gold Medal)
4 1/4 ounces or 120 grams whole wheat flour (USDA)
4 1/2 ounces or 128 grams whole wheat flour (Gold Medal)
4 1/2 ounces or 127 grams bread flour (USDA)
4 3/4 ounces or 135 grams bread flour (Gold Medal)
3 5/8 ounces or 102 grams rye flour (USDA)
King Arthur says ALL flour types weigh 4 oz (113 grams) per cup.
This variance ranges from as little as one tablespoon up to 8 tablespoons
per cup of flour! Now, that is a lot of difference!
In my own weighing, I have found that one cup of flour for me is usually
within the range of the USDA and Gold Medal numbers, but I can make a cup
weigh almost anything I want. :-)
I cannot believe the King Arthur number of only 4 ounces per cup of flour.
I am finding that I typically need to reduce the water in my bread by 1-2
tablespoons using the heavier cups of flour. If I used the KA 4 oz., I'd
have mud, not dough. And, in the case of a rye loaf, it would be much too
