Jar Cakes
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02
Categories: Cakes, Desserts, Info/tips
Yield: 1 servings
Ever baked cakes in canning jars? It's neat! ANY quick bread-type
cake can be baked in canning jars.
I usually bake one jar first -- you have to know how high the
rises. I usually fill ONE jar 1/2 full then bake it to see how high
it rises, then go from there. You don't want the cake to come out of
the top of the jar, only to within 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the lip of
the jar. Write it down on your recipe (how far you filled the jars)!
Once you've established how high the cake rises, you can go from
there. The first time around is a bit tricky because you won't know
how many jars you'll need. MOST of the recipes I've tried I end up
using around 8. Sterilize as many jars as you think you'll need and
go from there. Make sure your LIDS are new, the rings don't have to
be As the jars do seal, the cakes are as moist as the day you put
them into the jars--sometimes MORESO.
The baking times will vary -- the moistness of each cake recipe
determine the time. MOST of the recipes I've tried bake in 35-40
minutes. Start checking the cakes at 25- 30 minutes and go from
YES, the cakes DO slide easily out of the jars IF you use the jars
I've listed. They're Ball 12-oz Quilted Crystal Canning Jars
(#14400-81400). They can be found at most grocery stores (at least
here in California) next to the pectin and other canning supplies.
Also, I've seen the 12 oz straight-sided (plain) jars (# ?) at Smart
& Final. The plain jars work fine too but they're not as pretty and
you have to make your own labels--the jars I use come with
decorative labels. One IMPORTANT tip--get your jars NOW! Once
summer's over with they're very hard to find. Also, when you can,
ask for the jars back, they're NOT cheap. Most folks don't mind
returning them though, they usually want refills! <G>
There will be a little condensation on the lids and some in the
jars so when you seal them it's trapped inside. Don't worry about
getting the water off of the lids before placing them onto the jars,
the added moisture doesn't hurt the cakes in the slightest. Quick
bread-type cakes work best, I've found that lighter cakes tend to
fall when the jars seal.
I'm trying to address every question that's been asked of me
before, I HOPE I've done that. If I've missed anything or if anyone
has any questions, don't hesitate to ask. These make WONDERFUL
Christmas gifts and you cn start NOW! Single friends really
appreciate these because each jar makes enough for one or two
people. I'll post the recipes I've made in my next notes. Try them,
they're FUN and delicious to boot! Be right back with a few more
Several folks have asked me how long the cakes can be safely
stored...I'm not sure. The longest I've been able to keep them
(without getting eaten) is 6 months. The jars DO seal, just like any
canned good. You don't have to refrigerate the jars, just keep them
in a COOL, dark, dry place. I've only had 6 jars go bad on me and
that was my fault...put them in a cupboard that got too hot and the
seals broke. I now check the jars at least once a week by pushing
down on the lid (in the middle); if the lid moves up and down, that
means the seal has broken. If you've checked the jars frequently,
more than likely they're safe to eat; otherwise, toss the cake. I've
been making cakes in canning jars for over 3 years and haven't
poisoned anyone so far. :) If you give the jars away, be sure to
tell the person to check the jar periodically (if they plan on
storing it for any length of time).
Not only are the cakes tasty, they're very pretty to decorate. A
hot glue gun is INVALUABLE! You cn glue on dried flowers, ribbons,
dough-art ...you name it, it can be glued onto the lid, ring and
side of the jar. I usually cut out a piece of cloth (about 3 inches
larger in circumference than the lid), using pinking shears (so the
cloth doesn't unravel), place a wad of cotton or batting in the
center of the lid (take the ring off -- the jar lid should be sealed
by now), then place the piece of cloth on top and replace the ring.
Decorate to your heart's desire!
There are probably a few more tips I've forgotten...if anyone has
any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Don't limit yourself to the
recipes I've given you...ANY quick-bread type cake cn be baked in
canning jars. Lighter cakes tend to fall once the jar seals.
Be right back with the first recipe...
Linda/BDT Burbank, CA (USA)
Posted in COOKING by: Sandee Eveland 8/31/93
