What Kind of Eater Are YOU?
Intuitive Eater
Trigger--Biological hunger
Makes food choices without facing any guilt or any ethical
dilemmas. Honors hunger and respects fullness.
Emotional Unconscious Eater
Trigger--Uncomfortable emotions
Stress or uncomfortable feelings trigger eating--especially when alone
Unconscious Eater
Trigger--Eating while doing something else
Often unaware that he or she is eating, or how much is being eaten.
Many subtypes
Chaotic Unconscious Eater
Trigger--Overscheduled life
Eating style is haphazard. Person eats whenever food is available.
Refuse-Not Unconscious Eater
Trigger--Presence of food
Especially vulnerable to candy jars and food served at meetings
Waste-Not Unconscious Eater
Trigger--Free food
Susceptible to all-you-can-eat buffets and free food
Careful Eater
Trigger--Fitness and health
Appears to be the perfect eater, yet agonizes over each morsel
Professional Dieter
Trigger--Feeling fat
Perpetually dieting; often tries the latest commercial diet
or diet book
I have some (hopefully) helpful info to pass on to all of you...it is
from another list that I am on. The original poster is Judi (she said
I could post this on eat-lf) and the info is from the Purdue "health
letter" named HOPE.
