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Maple Syrup Broilers

---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01

Title: Maple Syrup Broilers
Categories: Canadian, Poultry
Yield: 1 servings

2 Chicken, broilers:young, 1 pn Aniseed
-tender 1 pn Savory
Flour 8 tb Maple syrup; 1 Tbsp per
-Salt & pepper -piece of chicken
4 tb Butter 1/2 c Cider or water
2 Onions, large;thinly sliced

Poussins au sirop d'erable (pour la visite)

From Mme Benoit, "This was a dish for company and always a source of
discussion between my grandparents as they had to decide which of the
chickens were the most tender. I still have the earthenware dish and I
often (not just for company) make this delicious casserole.

Quarter 2 very tender young broiler. Roll each piece in flour seasoned with
salt and pepper. Brown in 4 Tbsp butter. Place the chicken pieces,as they
are browned in an attractive ovenproof earthenware casserole. Add 2 large
thinly sliced onions to the fat in the fry pan, brown, and pour on top of
the chicken. Salt and pepper. Sprinkle with a pinch of aniseed and savory
and pour 1 Tbsp maple syrup over each piece of chicken. Deglaze the frying
pan with 1/2 cup cider or water and pour over the chicken. Bake 40 minutes,
uncovered, in a 350F oven.

Source:_My Grandmother's Kitchen_ by Mme. Jehane Benoit


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